Article 38 of the Church Order of the United Reformed Churches in North America indicates that one of the prime responsibilities of the church Consistory is to “regulate the worship services, which shall be conducted according to the principles taught in God’s Word: namely, that the preaching of the Word have the central place…”
At Grace URC Torrance we hold that preaching is not merely educational or consoling or encouraging or even convicting, though it can indeed be any and all of those things. Faithful preaching envelopes all of those things, but must need exceed and transcend them. Preaching is primarily God’s ministry of the Gospel to His people; though conducted through the flawed and fragile vessel of His minister, it is nevertheless our Lord’s direct and active communication with His covenant children. As such, it is to be God-focused and must accurately communicate God’s holiness, man’s fallenness, and God’s loving and gracious redemption in Christ.
In our preaching of the Word at Grace URC Torrance we strive to preach a gospel that is Christ-centered, covenantal and confessional. Audio examples of recent sermons and sermon series can be found below.
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